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Divorce Mediation Questions and Answers

First, learn more about how mediation can benefit you when divorce seems to be inevitable. The answers to many of the questions you may have about mediation, and what to do next are below.

You don’t need to know any of the answers yet; helping you and the other party find the answers that work well for everyone is precisely what mediation is designed to accomplish.

Questions and AnswersContact us

Start finding your way back to happy.

The only commitment our mediators ask of you is that you show up one time to allow us to introduce you to how the mediation process can help you during and after the negotiation process. If mediation is not right for you, you can stop at any time.

Mediation is an opportunity for you to:

  • Ask questions in a safe, mediated environment.
  • Get a feel for the process – determine if it’s right for you.
  • See if the other party is open to the opportunities mediation offers both of you.
  • Get to know the mediator, and draw upon their experience.

Common Questions About Divorce Mediation

Question: What should I bring to the orientation?

Answer: No preparation is needed ahead of the orientation. If you have already made some agreements with your spouse please bring those in written down so that we have a copy.

Question: When do I file a divorce?

Answer: Once an agreement has been made, you work with us or a lawyer to draft your formal mediated agreement. This is the agreement that will be filed with the court once the required separation period has passed. In Virginia you can file for divorce using a lawyer or by doing it yourself once you obtain the necessary paperwork.

Question: How much does mediation cost?

Answer: the average cost of a litigated divorce in Virginia is around $25,000/person. Mediation is significantly less with the national average coming in at around $5,000 total. This is the average which means that your mediation could be more or could be less depending on how many sessions you need. Our process is pay as you go and can be divided between the parties. Call our office for our current rates.

Question: How long does Divorce Mediation usually take?

Answer: The length of time required varies depending on the case. If you already have some of the details worked out and you just need help putting it in writing then one session may be enough. It’s important that we have sufficient time to work through all of the facts and financial details in enough detail to insure we reach a fair agreement. If you are starting from scratch plan to have at least 2-4 sessions with each session being about 2 hours.

Question: How do I get my spouse to come to mediation?

Answer: Prior to speaking to your spouse about mediation we encourage you to call us to speak about the process. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking with your spouse or you are experiencing some push back then let us know so we can speak with them about it. We find that people are reluctant to agree to any idea that the other spouse has. Sometimes, speaking with us provides people with reassurance and we can talk through some of the concerns that they may have about our neutrality.

Question: What if my spouse has verbally or physically abused me?

Answer: If there is a history of physical abuse mediation may be inappropriate. If you believe you are a victim of verbal, psychological, or physical abuse and are unsure if mediation will be a good fit, call us for pre-mediation screening. You may also call Empower House, a local resource for domestic violence. They can be reached at 540-373-9372. Their 24 hour hotline can be reached at 540-373-9373 or visit the National domestic Violence Hotline website at www.thehotline.org.